
You can add staff with permissions for your staff to log in to your store and complete tasks like adding products or managing orders. You can also add collaborators for Pisell Partners to work on your store and use permissions to control what sections of your store they can access.
Permissions help you manage what your store’s staff can do in your Pisell admin and Point of Sale (POS). Permissions let you delegate, and assign the level of access that your staff needs to do their jobs effectively.
The pricing plan that your store is on determines how many staff you can add in addition to the store owner.
In this section

About staff permissions

Permissions determine the level of access that your staff have to your store.
Your staff might need specific permissions depending on their role, like Pisell POS login requirements. Carefully consider the permissions that you give to staff and collaborators.
Refer to Managing staff for more information on how to create or update staff.
On this page


Store owner permissions

A Pisell store can have only one store owner. It's usually the person who opened the store. You can check who’s listed as the store owner by clicking on Settings > Users and permissions in your Pisell admin. Emails from Pisell are sent to the store owner’s email address.

Some actions are available only to the store owner:
  • change pricing plans
  • update billing information
  • manage payment options
  • access Pisell Capital settings
  • choose a new store owner
  • list your store on the Pisell Exchange marketplace


Description of staff permissions

Generally, permissions give you access to the page in your Pisell admin of the same name. In some cases, you need multiple permissions to complete tasks in a particular area of the admin.
General staff permissions
  • Home: view the Home page, which includes sales information and other store data.
  • Orders: view, create, update, delete, cancel, and export orders, and receive order notifications.
    • Edit orders: the Orders permission, and the ability to edit the items and discounts in an order.
  • Draft orders: create, change, and delete draft orders.
  • Products: view, create, import, and change products, collections, and inventory.
  • Gift cards: view, create, issue, and export gift cards to a CSV file. If your staff also needs to create or edit customers from the Gift cards page, then you also need to give them the Customers permission.
  • Customers: view, create, edit, and delete customers, and respond to customer messages in Pisell Inbox.
  • Reports: view and create reports, which includes sales information and other store data. You can't specify which reports staff can or can't access.
  • Dashboards: view the Overview and Live view pages, which include sales information, and other store and sales channels data.
  • Marketing: view, create, and automate marketing campaigns. If you're marketing using an app or a channel, such as with Pisell Email, then you also need the Apps and channels permission.
  • Discounts: view, create discount codes and automatic discounts, and export discounts to a CSV file.
  • Apps and channels: view, use, and delete all apps and sales channels. Only the store owner can approve paid apps and app charges, although staff can also install free apps if their permissions match the permissions that the app requires. If your store is on Pisell Plus, then staff need the Apps and channel access permission instead.
Pisell Plus
If your store is on the Pisell Plus plan, by default your staff can't export data. You can give staff permission to export orders and draft orders, products and inventory, and customers.
Online store permissions
  • Themes: view, change, and publish themes.
  • Blog posts and pages: view, create, change, publish, and delete blog posts and pages.
  • Navigation: view, create, change, and delete navigation.
  • Domains: view, buy, and manage domains.
Administration permissions
Only the store owner can make changes to the store's subscription or banking information. Staff need the Manage settings permission to complete most administration tasks.
  • Manage settings: access and manage Settings, and create webhooks.
  • Manage locations: create, change, and delete locations where you stock or manage inventory.
  • Edit permissions: view and change permissions for staff and collaborators, except in some cases. Refer to About edit permissions for more details. * Add and remove staff: add, update, or remove staff.
  • View Pisell Payments payouts: view Pisell Payments settings, payouts, and transactions.
  • View billing and receive billing emails: view, download, or export Pisell bills, view billing information and payment methods, and receive billing related emails. Collaborators with this permission don't receive billing emails.
  • View private apps: view private apps installed on your store.
  • Edit private app details and permissions: give permission to private apps to read, write, and make changes to your store.

About edit permissions

The store owner can always edit any staff permissions. Staff with the Edit permissions permission can edit permissions for other staff, but only permissions that they already have.
For instance, a staff that only has the Edit permissions and Manage settings permissions can't add or remove the Themes permission for another staff because they don't have the Themes permission.
If your staff have the Edit permissions, then you can give another staff the Edit permissions permission. For security reasons, you can only give another staff Edit permissions if you have at least the same permissions as the staff that you want to edit.


Pisell POS login requirements

To log in to Pisell POS using a Pisell ID or login credentials, staff accounts need the following 13 permissions:
  • Home
  • Orders
  • Edit orders
  • Draft orders
  • Products
  • Gift cards
  • Customers
  • Reports
  • Marketing
  • Discounts
  • Apps and channels or if your store is on Pisell Plus, Access to all apps and channels
  • Manage settings
  • Manage locations
You also need to select Give Point of Sale access to this staff in the Point of Sale access section to give staff access to Pisell POS.
If you select this permission, then your staff can log in to your Pisell admin, and log in to POS without a PIN. Staff with limited admin permissions and POS app only staff can't log in to Pisell POS without the store owner, or a staff account with the required permissions, logging in first.
Store owners and staff with all available permissions can view Pisell POS staff PINs and log into the Pisell POS app.
You can also create and assign roles to your Pisell POS staff, refer to Point of Sale staff management for more information. If you want to add Pisell POS app only staff, then refer to Adding Point of Sale staff.

Pisell Plus permissions

If your store is on Pisell Plus, then you have an additional level of control over apps and channels that your staff can access.
You can choose to Give staff access to all apps and channels, or Select which apps and channels staff can access. If no apps and channels are selected, then staff can't access any apps or channels in your Pisell admin.

Pisell Inbox permissions

Store owners and staff with all available permissions can use all of the Pisell Inbox features, and only staff with all available permissions can manage chat availability. Retail staff don't have access to Pisell Inbox.
Staff need to be added as staff in your store in order to use team conversations. Staff need the following permissions to access all of the Pisell Inbox features:
  • Products: share products.
  • Customers: manage chat availability, respond to customers and manage saved replies, share products, discount codes or view discount codes shared by other staff, or create a draft order or view draft orders created by other staff.
  • Discounts: share discount codes or access discount codes shared by other staff.
  • Apps and channels: Manage chat apps that are connected to Pisell Inbox.

Examples of staff permissions

The types of permissions that you give depends on the needs of your staff. You can use these examples to help you choose permissions.
For staff that update your online store, you might give the following permissions:
  • Products
  • Settings
  • Themes
  • Blog posts and page
  • Navigation
For staff to create and edit blog posts, you might give them the following permissions:
  • Home
  • Reports
  • Apps
  • Blog posts and pages
For sales staff, you might instead give them permissions such as:
  • Orders
  • Gift cards
  • Customers
  • Blog posts and pages
For accountants, consider providing all available permissions so that your accountant can access the information that they need (including Orders, Reports, and access to Pisell Payments).

Managing staff

You can add staff to your store so that your staff can complete tasks in your Pisell admin. You can give permissions to your staff to allow you to manage what your store’s staff can view, and what they can do in your Pisell admin or Pisell POS. The pricing plan that your store is on determines how many staff you can add, in addition to the store owner.
By default, staff have no permissions and need to be given permissions. There are some actions that only a store owner has permission to do. Carefully consider which permissions you give staff, and refer to About staff permissions for more information. For security reasons, create one staff login per staff.
Having a staff login with permissions allows staff to contact Pisell Support for help based on the permissions you provide, rather than only general support.

On this page


Add staff

You can add staff so that your staff can log in to your store through a login. You need to be the store owner, or have the Edit permissions and Add and remove staff permissions to add staff.
If you want to add staff that can log in to your admin and Pisell POS, then you also need the Manage Point of Sale staff permission and the Pisell POS login requirements. Refer to Adding Point of Sale staff to add POS app only staff.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click Add staff.
  3. Enter your staff's full name as it appears on any government-issued ID, and their email address.
  4. Check which permissions you want to give staff. If you want to give your staff all available permissions, then check select all.
  5. Click Send invite.
Your staff receives an email invitation. Invitations to create a staff login expire in 7 days.

Create staff

After you add staff, your staff needs to accept your invitation to complete setup of their staff login.
  1. In the invitation email, click Create staff, and then click accept invite.
  2. Optional: If you don’t have a Pisell ID, then you need to fill out the following information:
  3. email address
  4. first name and last name
  5. phone number (optional)
  6. password
  7. Click Create account.


Give Pisell POS permissions

If you're the store owner or staff with the View staff and manage permissions permission, then you can give existing staff access to your Pisell admin and Point of Sale (POS) app.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click on the staff you want to give Pisell POS permissions.
  3. In the Point of Sale access section, click Give Point of Sale access to this staff.
  4. From the POS ROLE list, select the role that you want to assign to the staff.
  5. Optional: If you want to create a different PIN than the default PIN, then in the PIN section, click Generate random PIN or enter a PIN. Staff use this PIN to access Pisell POS. Make sure that your staff knows what their PIN is.
  6. Click Save.
You can also create and assign roles to your Pisell POS staff, to learn more refer to Point of Sale staff management.

Manage staff

Store owners and staff can edit their account details and add a picture to the account when they log in to the Pisell admin with their credentials. You can edit the details only for your own account.
Edit staff permissions
You need to be the store owner or have the Edit permissions permission to edit staff permissions. You might not be able to edit staff permissions in some cases, refer to About edit permissions for more information.
  1. From your Pisell admin, go to Settings > Users and permissions.
  2. Click on the staff you want to edit.
  3. You can check the permissions you want to give staff, or uncheck the permissions you want to remove. If you want to give your staff all available permissions, then check select all.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.

Update staff details

You can always make changes to your own login to update your account details.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click your username and account picture.
  2. Click Manage account.
  3. Update your account details as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Update staff emails

If you use a Pisell ID, then changes to your email address occur for all stores linked to your Pisell ID.
If you need to update the email address for existing staff, then add new staff using the new email address. If the email address update is for the store owner, then transfer ownership to the new staff.


Revoke staff device permissions

If your staff use a device or an application for your Pisell store and lose their device, then you can log your staff out and require them to log in again. This can help prevent unknown users from accessing your store.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click the staff's name.
  3. Click Revoke Access next to the device or application.
  4. Click Revoke to confirm.
Your staff can't access your store using that device without logging in again.


Deactivate or reactivate staff

You can deactivate staff so that they cant log into your store any longer. For security purposes, deactivate any unused staff logins.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click the staff's name.
  3. Click Deactivate staff or Suspend access.
  4. Then click Deactivate or Suspend.
You can reactivate staff at anytime by clicking Activate or Reactivate.


Remove staff

Store owners and staff with the Add and remove staff permission can remove staff from a store. You can't undo this action. If one or more staff share the account that you want to delete, then create separate staff for your active staff first.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click the staff's name.
  3. Click Delete staff or Remove staff to permanently delete the staff from your store. If you want to remove your own staff login, then click Remove my staff access.
  4. Click Delete or Remove.
Staff is removed permanently from your Pisell admin.


Remove collaborators

You can permanently remove collaborators from your store. You can't undo this action.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click the collaborator's name.
  3. Click Delete collaborator account or Remove collaborator account.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.
The collaborator is removed permanently from your Pisell admin. If you want to give a collaborator access again, then the collaborator needs to resend their collaborator request.


Transfer store ownership

The store owner can choose another staff to be the store owner and transfer the store ownership to them. This process only applies to transferring store ownership. If you want to transfer organization ownership, then contact Pisell Plus Support.
Considerations for transferring store ownership
Before you transfer store ownership, consider the following:
  • Your store can have only one store owner at a time. Only the store owner has complete access to every part of the Pisell admin and can manage the account details. If you choose another staff to be the store owner, then you lose this unrestricted access, and can't manage staff permissions in future.
  • If you transfer ownership of your store through an Exchange Marketplace transaction, then the Pisell accounts team initiates the transfer of ownership. If you attempt to transfer the ownership yourself during an Exchange Marketplace transaction, then you're permanently unable to use Exchange Marketplace.
  1. Log in to your store as the store owner.
  2. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  3. Click Transfer ownership.
  4. Enter the email of the new store owner. If the new store owner isn't existing staff, then you need to enter their name, too.
  5. Enter your password to confirm the change.
  6. Click Transfer store ownership.


View login history

As the store owner or staff with the Edit permissions permission, you can review the login history of any staff. Staff can review their individual login histories as well.
You should review staff login histories periodically to check that there hasn't been access from unknown ISPs, locations, or IP addresses. This could be a sign that the account has been compromised.
  1. From your Pisell admin, click Settings, and then click Users and permissions.
  2. Click the staff's name.
In the Recent login history section, you can review the five most recent login sessions and the following information about each session:
  • Date
  • IP address
  • ISP (internet service provider)
  • Staff location at login
  • Web browser and operating system version (you can review this by hovering over the information symbol).


About collaborator permissions

You can use collaborator accounts to give Pisell Partners access to your Pisell admin directly through their own Partner Dashboard. Collaborator permissions give Partners access to only the sections of your store that you want them to see. These accounts don't count towards your store's staff limit.
Only the store owner can view collaborator access requests or grant collaborator access to a store. After a Pisell Partner submits a request to access your store, you receive an email about the request and a notification on your Pisell Home.
You can require Pisell Partners to enter a collaborator request code when you submit a collaborator request, to more effectively control the requests that you receive. When the code is required, only the Partners who you share the code with can request access to your store.
Collaborators can request and be given all available permissions in your store, except permissions to view, add, or remove staff. Carefully consider which permissions a collaborator needs to complete their tasks. You can refer to About staff permissions for more information.


Collaborator FAQs


What are collaborators?

Collaborators are Pisell Partners who have access to your store. They're similar to staff, but offer additional benefits. Collaborators can log in from their Partner Dashboard, and their access to your store can be removed from your store admin. Collaborators also don't count towards your store's staff limit.
Freelancers and agencies can request access to collaborate on your store. When they request access, you can review their request to accept or reject it. After you accept their request, the collaborators are listed in the Collaborators section on the Users and permissions page in your Pisell admin. To more effectively control the requests that you receive, you can require Pisell Partners to enter a 4-digit collaborator request code when they submit a collaborator request.

I'm working with a freelancer or agency. How do I give them access?

Your freelancer or agency needs to request access to your store. If you have a collaborator request code enabled, then you need to provide the code to freelancers or agencies who want to request access to your store. Refer your freelancer or agency to Requesting access to a client's store to get them started.

How do I require a collaborator request code for access?

When you require a collaborator request code, a freelancer or agency needs to enter the correct code to send you a request for access to your store. You need to share the code with a freelancer or agency so that they can send the request. To enable the code from your store's Users and permissions setting, select Only people with a collaborator request code can request access in the Collaborators section. Collaborator request codes are 4-digit codes that are automatically generated when you enable the requirement. You can expire the code and generate a new one at any time.


What permissions should I give the freelancer or agency?

Give only the permissions that you feel comfortable giving. If a freelancer or agency asks for certain permissions, there might be a good reason. If you aren't sure, then ask the freelancer or agency why they need the permissions.
For more information on permissions, refer to About staff permissions.

Can a freelancer use a collaborator account to log in to the Pisell app?

No. Collaborators can log in to your store only from the Partner Dashboard. Collaborators don't have passwords, so they can't log in to your store using the Pisell app.
If you want to give a freelancer access to your store using the Pisell app, then you can add them as staff.

I accidentally rejected a request from a freelancer or agency, how can I get it back?

Ask the freelancer or agency to contact Partner Support. Partner Support will adjust the Partner's account so the Partner can send you another request.

What should I do when I'm finished working with a collaborator?

If you don't need any more help from the collaborator, then remove their account.

How do I report an issue with a freelancer or agency?

First, make sure that the problem isn't because of a communication issue or mismatched expectations. Pisell isn't directly responsible for issues with freelancers or agencies, but if you encounter an issue that Pisell should know about, then contact Pisell Support.

I got an email from a freelancer or agency that I don’t know or don’t want to work with, what should I do?

Review the request and confirm that you don’t want to work with them. If you aren't expecting a request, or if you don't recognize the sender, then you shouldn't accept their request. To report spam you can contact Pisell Support. You can require freelancers and agencies to enter a 4-digit collaborator request code when submitting a collaborator request, to more effectively control the requests that you receive. When the code is required, only partners with the code can request access to your store, and you won't receive requests from freelancers and agencies who don't include the correct code.

I'm a Pisell Plus merchant. Can I control a collaborator's access to specific apps and channels?

Yes. When approving access, you can set the same permissions for collaborators that you can for staff. If a collaborator requests access to your store, they can only see the option to request access to apps. Collaborators don't see the list of apps that you currently have installed.
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