All your products are listed in the Products area in Pisell. 50 products are listed on each page. To organize the list of products, and to find products in a list that spans many pages, you can sort, search, and filter the list.
By default, your product list is sorted alphabetically (from A to Z) by product name.
The way that your products are sorted or filtered in the Products area of the admin doesn't affect how your products are shown in your online store. If you need to change the way that your products appear to customers in your online store, then change the sort order for the products in a collection.
On this page
Sort your product list
You can sort your product list using the following sort options:
- product title
- date created
- date updated
- inventory
- product type
Sorting affects the order of the products in the Pisell admin, but not in your online store. You can sort your product list to help you find the products that you need to update or review. For example, to see which of your products are running low in stock, you can sort your product list by inventory.
- From your Pisell admin, go to Products > All products.
- Click Sort, and then select a sort option.
Filter your product list
By default, all your products are listed on the Products area. You can filter this list to show a smaller subset of the products.
Filtering your product list can help you find the specific products that you need to edit, review, or update. The following filter options are available:
- Product vendor - Shows the products that are from the selected product vendor.
- Availability - Shows the products that are available to a sales channel.
- Status - Shows the products with an archived, active or draft status.
- Tagged with - Shows the products that are tagged with the specified value.
- Product type - Shows the products that are of the selected product type.
- Collection - Shows the products that are available in a collection. After you select the collection filter, you can't search, add other filters, or sort by inventory. If you're using the search or if you have any other filters selected, then the option to filter by collection is disabled.
- Publishing error - If you use sales channels other than Online Store, shows the products that have publishing errors on the sales channel that you select.
- Gift card - Shows the gift card products available for your store.
For example, if you sell clothing and want to view a list of only your T-shirts, then you could filter by the product type
T-shirt. Only the products of that type will then be shown in the product list, making it easier for you to review and update that subset of products.
If you add more than one filter, then only the products that match all of the conditions will be shown.
- From your Pisell admin, go to Products > All products.
- Select one or more filter options:
- To filter by Product vendor, Availability, or Tagged with, click the column header and then select an option to display products matching that option.
- Click More filters to open a complete list of filter categories, and then select an option to display products matching that option.
Search for a product
You can use the search bar on the Products page to find products by words that are in their titles, descriptions, or tags.
- From your Pisell admin, go to Products > All products.
- Enter the search words into the field labelled Filter products. The product list automatically refreshes to show only the products that have the words in the product titles, descriptions, and tags.
Save a product search or filtered product list
After you search for or filter your products, you can save the search or filter so that you can easily use it again later.
After you set up your filters or search for words, click Save search and give your search a name.
The search is saved as a tab on the Products page on desktop, and the products screen in the app.
Next time that you need to find the products that match the same search words or filters, click the tab that is labelled with the search name. The product list will immediately update with the subset of products.
Searches can only be saved on your desktop.