User Account

When you activate a customer account, Pisell stores password-protected information about the customer's identity, order history, and current order status. Your customer details, such as address information, will be pre-filled at checkout based on stored information. To use a client account, you need to have an online store sales channel.

Related topics on this page:
customer address
Disable customer's account

customer address
If a customer logs in at checkout, then they can choose one of their most recently used addresses. Alternatively, they can enter an address.
When the user places an order, this address will be used as the user's default delivery/invoice delivery address;
All fields above are optional.

Used to add, merchant-to-customer instructions (only visible in the backend).

It is used to group customers. The operation method and logic are consistent with the order label and product label.

Disable customer's account

If you need to prevent a specific customer from placing an order, you can disable the account; click Disable Account, a pop-up reminder is required

From your Pisell admin, go to Customers.
Click the name of the customer whose account you want to disable.
Click Disable Account on the Customer Information page.
After using the client, the original "disabled" button position is changed to "enabled".
This feature is also only available for "registered users".

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