Getting Started with Pisell FAQ

Topics related to this section:

How is Pisell priced?
Pisell's package fees and charges?
Is Pisell free to try?
Pisell's monthly price?
Does Pisell charge credit card fees?
The main function of Pisell?
Initial setup after entering Pisell?

Getting Started with Pisell FAQ


How is Pisell priced?
Pisell offers competitive rates and pricing plans to help you find a plan that fits your needs and budget.


Pisell's package fees and charges?
When looking at the Basic, Classic, and Plus custom pricing plans, you'll see a variety of rates and fees, such as annual fees, credit card processing fees, and transaction fees.


Is Pisell free to try?
If you want to try Pisell before purchasing an active monthly plan, you can sign up for a 7-day free trial. The free trial period starts when you first sign up (not when you start building your store). When you choose a paid plan, Pisell keeps whatever you do with your store during the free trial period. If you choose a paid plan during your free trial period, we will not charge you any subscription fees until the free trial period expires.
You can set up your store during a free trial, but before you can start selling products or services, you'll need to choose a monthly subscription plan. If you do not choose a monthly plan at the end of the free trial period, your store will be suspended and you will not be able to continue operating your store until you choose a paid plan. If you did not choose a pricing plan during your free trial, you do not need to take any action to cancel your Pisell account.
If you want to cancel your Pisell account during your free trial and you haven't selected any pricing plan, you don't need to do anything. Your account will be frozen and you will not be charged after the trial period expires. If you choose a pricing plan before the free trial period ends, you will need to manually suspend or close the store to cancel your account.


Pisell's monthly price?
The monthly price is a recurring subscription fee to use the V7-Pisell-Merchant side and varies depending on the package you choose. The price related to the package you choose is included in the allocated periodic bill. You can also view the corresponding debit record or click Download invoice to view the details.


Does Pisell charge credit card fees?
Pisell doesn't charge you anything, allowing you to accept major credit cards like Visa and Mastercard as payment methods in your store. You do not need to pay any fees to your credit card payment service provider.


The main function of Pisell?
Pisell gives you a variety of tools to help you set up and run your business. Depending on the pricing plan you choose, you can find everything you need to display your products online, process payments, and run your store. Pisell offers:
Free and paid templates in the Pisell template store to make your store look great and stand out
Free and paid apps in the Pisell app store to expand the functionality of your store
Pisell's own payment service provider to accept credit card payments
Growth opportunities for Pisell's sales pipeline, and an enterprise plan for merchants who sell high volumes and want to reduce transaction fees
Pisell can help you set up and design your store, and market it
A professional customer service team, no matter what Pisell plan you are on, will answer you in the shortest time possible.

Initial setup after entering Pisell?

Click to view the details of the initial settings after entering Pisell.

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