Set up Google Analytics
Before you start collecting data about your store, you need to have a Google account, sign up for analytics tracking, and choose what data to track.
on this page
Step 1: Make sure you don't have Google Analytics enabled
Step 2: Create a Google Account
Step 3: Enable Google Analytics
Step 4: Turn on Ecommerce Tracking
Additional Google Analytics JavaScript
Step 1: Make sure you don't have Google Analytics enabled
Enabling Google Analytics multiple times can result in inaccurate data. If you're sure you've never enabled Google Analytics for your store before, skip to Step 2: Get a Google Account. If you're not sure if Google Analytics was previously enabled for your store, follow these steps:
From your Pisell Dashboard, go to Online Store > Keywords.
In the Google Analytics section, make sure the box only has the text Paste your code from Google here, otherwise it's empty. If you see this, then move on to the next step. If you see the code UA- starting with , then you have Google Analytics enabled and you can skip to Step 4: Turn on Ecommerce Tracking.
Click on the subject.
Click Action > Edit Code.
In the Layout section, click {/} theme.liquid.
In the theme.liquid file, look for any of the following Google Analytics tracking tags: ga.js, dc.js, gtag.js, or analytics.js. If you see any of these tags in your theme.liquid file, you have Google Analytics enabled and you can skip to Step 4: Turn on Ecommerce Tracking.
If you don't see the tracking code in the Google Analytics section of the Preferences page, and you don't have the Google Analytics tracking flag in your theme.liquid file, then your store doesn't have Google Analytics enabled. Proceed to Step 2: Get a Google Account.
Step 2: Create a Google Account
You need a Google Account to use Google Analytics. If you already use Google products, such as Gmail or Ads, you can use the same account with Google Analytics.
If you don't already have a Google product account, create one. You don't need to do anything with your Gmail account other than logging in and out of Google Analytics.
Once you have a Google Account, you need to create an Analytics account. After creating your account, proceed to Step 3: Enable Google Analytics.
Step 3: Enable Google Analytics
To enable Google Analytics, you must create a Universal Analytics property in Google and add it to your Pisell store.
In a web browser, log in to Google Analytics.
Click Admin.
In the Account column, select the correct account.
In the Attribute column, click Create Attribute.
Enter a name for the property.
Select Create Universal Analytics property only.
Click Next.
Choose the appropriate setting.
Click Create.
Copy the Universal Analytics property to the clipboard by highlighting it and pressing ctrl+C on PC or command+C on Mac.
In a new browser tab, open your Pisell backend.
Go to Online Store > Keywords.
In the Google Analytics section, paste your Universal Analytics properties into the Google Analytics Account fields.
After enabling Google Analytics on your store, proceed to Step 4: Turn On Ecommerce Tracking Step 4: Turn On Ecommerce Tracking.
Step 4: Turn on Ecommerce Tracking
You can implement Google's ecommerce tracking at two different levels of detail:
If you only need transaction and revenue data, you can go to Basic Ecommerce TrackingTurn on Basic Ecommerce Tracking
Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking if you want to know more about visitor behavior
Open Basic Ecommerce Tracking
In your Google Analytics account, click Admin.
In the View column, click Ecommerce Settings.
Click the Enable Ecommerce switch to change it from OFF to ON.
If you need more detailed tracking information, you can turn on Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking.
Turn on Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
From your Pisell Dashboard, go to Online Store > Keywords.
In the Google Analytics section, check Use Enhanced Ecommerce. If you are using an older version of Google Analytics, you may need to click Upgrade to the latest version before clicking the Use Enhanced Ecommerce checkbox.
Click Save. This enables Pisell to track all your website data and send it to Google Analytics.
In your Google Analytics account, click Admin.
In the View column, click Ecommerce Settings.
Click the Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting switch to change it from OFF to ON.
Click Save.
Learn more about Enhanced Ecommerce from Google Analytics Help.
Additional Google Analytics JavaScript
If you want to further customize your Google Analytics settings, you can add Javascript code to the Additional Google Analytics Javascript section.
This section only accepts Javascript related to analytics tracking. Code added in this field cannot make visual or functional changes to your checkout.
Learn more about using JavaScript with Google Analytics.